Friday, 29 May 2015

From Couch to 5K Week 2 and 3

On 13th May I did a post on my latest app purchase "NHS Couch to 5K" and how my first week went. I explained in that blog how much I disliked running and how hard I personally find it to run for anything more than a bus (and even then I pant for at least 5 minutes after). Well, my first week went well and I was really impressed with the app.

Today I completed Week 3 and am heading for Week 4 on Monday. I struggle with running, and often see photos of people running long distances saying how hard they first found it. I still doubted myself but decided to bite the bullet and give it a go.
Stick with this app. I know it is hard and I really struggle running but it gives me a focus. Laura talks through the app motivating you and giving you little tips which really help.
The Weeks consist of Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 and it is suggested you do this app with a rest day in between. I have to admit that I have been repeating the days 5 days a week as I have found myself slightly addicted. I never thought I would ever say that about running but it honestly gives you a sense of achievement and makes you smile (running can actually make you smile!).
Week Two
This entailed the following, which was repeated on Day 2 and Day 3:
  • Brisk 5 minute warm up walk
  • 90 seconds of running alternated with 2 minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes

I do the app on a treadmill as I after I have completed the run I then do weights which helps with my weight loss journey. I know how hard it is to get on the treadmill when others around you are running faster and for longer but once you have your headphones in you don't notice them. You are there to get fit so forget everyone else. I know it is hard but when I get nervous I just think of how far I have come in just a few weeks. Plus they are in their zone too so stay motivated.
Week Three
This was scary for me as it meant I would be running for 3 minutes and this just felt like such a challenge. I was really worried I would have to stop but even though you feel out of breath and your legs ache you must keep going. The app has been designed by the NHS and follows a programme. Stick with it and you will feel the benefits. After 2 1/2 minutes I was struggling but I kept going and just stared at the screen on the treadmill. By doing this I forgot about running or the timing and just kept going. 

In Week 3 I completed Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 doing the following:
  • 5 minute warm up walk
  • 2 repetitions of 90 seconds running, 90 seconds walking, 3 minutes running and 3 minutes walking
I felt so proud of myself each time I did each day in Week Three and that is what motivates you to start the next week.
Also the app includes 'Laura Diary' so if you are struggling then read her journey. It keeps me motivated and reminds me that others feel the same I do.
Week Four entails running for 5 minutes which is again really scary but I feel that the app prepares you for the next stage so I will let you know how it goes.
A couple of people have asked me to show the weight loss over the past few weeks, and I will do at some point. Just not quite there yet :)
Have you tried the app? Maybe you have always wanted to be able to run but not been able to get the stamina? Get in touch :)
LJ xxx

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